Post Traumatic Wisdom

Conversations on Resilience and Healing

As many of you know, I am slowly and courageously resurfacing after the hardest year of my life. The passing of my daughter brought about much time for reflection and big opportunities for deep, inner healing. It has not been an easy road, nor one I would choose again. But it has, in the most glorious and unexpected ways, changed me for the better. I have learned so much about myself ; most importantly, how to access the deep reservoir of strength that undoubtedly lies within each of us, but is often inaccessible without a dedicated commitment to honoring it.

For the past 6 months, I have been immersing myself into the study of trauma and recovery. I am, more than ever, convinced that this one question can be the key to understanding who we are, and where we go from here. "What happened to you?" Through this lens we can build a renewed sense of personal self-worth and ultimately recalibrate our responses to circumstances, situations, and relationships. It is, in other words, the key to reshaping our very lives.

As the name suggests, this program will center on HEALING, resilience and the courage to finally begin living the life of joy that you deserve.

This program will include a 90-minute weekly group call. Day/Time TBA

Calls will begin after the 6 Week Confidence Course ends.

I will lead the conversation. I will offer powerful questions for reflection and thoughtful dialogue. I will also create optional exercises and opportunities for healing work to be done in between calls. And then, the rest of the time is YOURS. Every participant will be given time to speak, if they need/want to. Support groups work best when everyone is willing to be vulnerable and share. Some days, we have more to share than others. But willingness to participate and share is one of the only requirements.

Your Instructor

Kelly Murray Grys
Kelly Murray Grys

Kelly Murray is a high level, leadership and confidence coach helping hundreds of small business owners, entrepreneurs, leaders and those who aspire to be something greater than they are today to create powerful infrastructures and environments that generate massive success.

Kelly works with you and/or your team to create daily habits that lead to consistent and effective results. Kelly will realign your vision with your reality. With a phenomenal eye for missed details, a unique ability to inspire the utmost confidence and an inherent talent for creating systems that work, you or your team will become more organized, more efficient and more happy.

Kelly uses a holistic approach in her coaching; bringing to light all areas of life that can improve and enlighten your business and life purpose.

Course Curriculum

  Mondays 9:30-11am EST
Available in days
days after you enroll

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts July 19th and never ends...
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.
How will the calls be facilitated?
All calls will be done using Zoom. A Zoom link is provided in the curriculum section and will not change week to week.

Get started now!